Saturday, December 31, 2011

End Of The Year News And Announcements

Wow! This has been a whirlwind month in a roller coaster ride of a dance year. So much has gone on during 2011 including workshops, new classes, and performances, not to mention Musical Class Instructors at Balboa Park.

I have posted the December Viennese Waltz and Nite Club Two Step syllabus, which is linked under "Balboa Park Dancers Syllabus Documents." Please feel free to download for your perusal.

Change of Venue for Balboa Park Dancers

As you may know, the Balboa Park Club will not be available to use during most of January 2012 while the city refinishes the floor and performs other repairs. However, that does NOT mean that your dancing has to come to a screeching halt. The Intermediate and Advanced classes will still take place (in slightly different form; more on that shortly). Scott Dodson and I, teaching Advanced and Intermediate, respectively, will move them over to Infinity Dance Center (linked on this page) during the time that the Park is not available. Here is a rundown of what will go on:

  • Fridays-January 6, 13, and 20; 7:05-7:55PM: Waltz only
  • Sundays-January 8 and 15; 7:00-8:30PM: Waltz and West Coast Swing (two 40-minute classes with a 10-minute intermission)
The cost for the classes is $5 per person for each evening. On Friday there is a dance party hosted by Infinity Dance Center which you can attend for an additional $8. We will return to Balboa Park on Sunday January 22 at the normal times.

Tuesday Class At Infinity

Mark your calendars for Tuesdays in January at 7:00PM, for that is when I will be teaching a series at Infinity Dance Center on American Style Rumba. This will be a Basic to Intermediate level class, by which I mean I will start at the beginning with a few recurring basic elements, but I will quickly go to the good stuff, including technique, style, and partnership of this timelessly contemporary dance. Check out the promotional flyer for vital information.

The series runs January 10, 17, 24, and 31. The cost is $10 per person, per class or $32 for the whole series if paid on or before January 10. Cash, checks, and plastic accepted. There will be no class on January 3.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

November Syllabus and Tuesday Bolero Class Announcement

I have just posted the November syllabus for Balboa Park, which can found by following the link at the top of the list under "Balboa Park Dancers Syllabus Documents."

This Tuesday November 29 I am holding my first class on Bolero at Infinity. This is an Intermediate level class, so some dance experience is necessary. Set your schedule thus:

Tuesdays at 7:00-8:00PM
November 29-December 20 (4 weeks)
$10 per class
$32 for the series ($8 per class) if paid in full on or before November 29
Infinity Dance Center
4428 Convoy Street (just south of Balboa Avenue, next to Office Depot)
San Diego 92111

You can pre register at Infinity or by contacting me at 619.322.4670. For your convenience, I accept VISA and MasterCard (full series purchases only) as well as cash and checks. I look forward to seeing you there.

Friday, November 11, 2011

East Coast Swing Workshop Syllabus Posted

I have just posted the syllabus for the November 12 East Coast Swing Workshop. You can download and print it by following the link under Workshop Syllabus Documents. I encourage you to add it to your  collection.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Workshop Announcement!!

Mark this date, time, and location:

Saturday November 12, 11:00AM-1:00PM at Infinity Dance Center, 4428 Convoy Street, San Diego, 92111.

On this day I will be teaching a two-hour workshop on East Coast Swing. This is a workshop for experienced dancers who are familiar with the basics, tuck-ins, wraps, and underarm turns.

I will be teaching some innovative material that has never been seen before at my weekly classes at Balboa Park or elsewhere.

The cost for the Workshop is $12 per person or $10 if paid in advance. You can register at Infinity or anytime you see me for the advance price. I accept cash, checks, and plastic (MasterCard/VISA).

For more information please contact me at 619-322-4670.

Balboa Park Dancers October Syllabus

I have just posted the October syllabus for Tango & Cha Cha, which you can download and print. You can find it by clicking on the link below right under "Balboa Park Dancers Syllabus Documents."

Thank you for attending.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Weekly Class At Infinity

I will soon be teaching a new class at Infinity Dance Center. Beginning Tuesday October 18 at 7:00 PM I will teach a class on various Ballroom and Latin dances. This first series will be Intermediate to Advanced American Style Tango. If you have been attending my Tango classes at Balboa Park, I will teach entirely different material, other than including some familiar Basics. Because I expect the class to be smaller than at Balboa Park, there will be more opportunity for individual attention that is not possible in a large class.

Please take note of the schedule: October 18 through November 15 (5 weeks). There will be no class during Thanksgiving Week. The next series (dance to be announced later; REQUESTS SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED) will run November 29 through December 20 (4 weeks). Because we are coming up on the holidays, I decided arrange the classes so as to avoid interruption. After the first of the year I will likely follow the normal course-of-month schedule.

The cost per person for the classes are $14 if paid each time or $55 ($11 per class) for the first series if paid in full on or before the first class meeting. The advance rate for the second series is $44.

If you would like further information about the classes, contact me at 619-322-4670 or

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Balboa Park Dancers September Syllabus

I have just posted the complete syllabus for the Advanced International Waltz and Swing/Jive classes, which is available for you to download and print. The link can be found under "Balboa Park Dancers Syllabus Documents," on the right of this page.

Thank you for attending.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Argentine Tango Workshop-Pre Game Warm Up

I have just posted the syllabus to tomorrow's workshop, which you can download and print for your use. It can be found under Workshop Syllabus Documents. I encourage you to bring a copy

See you tomorrow.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Balboa Park Dancers August Syllabus

I have just posted the August syllabus, which you can download and print. The link can be found at rhe right under "Balboa Park Dancers Syllabus Documents." To print a copy, select the "File" menu on the blue bar just above the document and click on either "Download Original" or "Print (pdf)."

Thank you for attending.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Workshop Announcement!!

Mark your calendars. On Saturday  September 10 I will be teaching a workshop on Argentine Tango.  If you have never attempted Argentine Tango, do not be deterred as I will be covering some basic movements. If you attended my Argentine Workshop last year, you will not be bored because I will cover new variations. This a class for experienced dancers. If you have been attending the Intermediate or Advanced classes at Balboa Park, this is the Workshop for you.

The Workshop will be held at Infinity Dance Center, 4428 Convoy Street, San Diego, 92111 from 11AM-1PM. Admission is $10 per person paid in advance, $12 on the day of the Workshop. You can register at Infinity or any time you see me. I accept cash, checks, and now VISA and MasterCard.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Balboa Park Dancers July Syllabus

I have just put the finishing touches on the July syllabus, which is available for you to download and print. Thank you for attending this month.

See you Friday for Quickstep and Bolero.

How to Print Documents From this Blog

A few of you have had some difficulty in printing some of the documents that are posted on this blog. If you are among them, try the following:

1. Follow the link to the document you want to print
2. Right above the document is a light blue bar. On the left end of the bar are the menus "File" and "View." These are not to be confused with similar menus on the very top of your screen. These are actually inside the web page.
3. Select "File" and scroll down to "Print (PDF)." Depending on your computer, it will bring up the document as a .pdf file that your system can likely print with no problem.

Follow this link to see what I am talking about. Let me know if this helps.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Feature for Serious (or Humorous) Dancers

I have added a new section to this blog that I hope you find useful. It is called Dance Style and Technique. I realize that some of the terminology that Ballroom Dance instructors use can be unclear. Therefore, I am producing a series of Technical Papers that are designed to explain and clarify different areas of dance instruction.

The first one which is now available for you to download is called, "An Explanation of Alignments and the Line of Dance." The paper is linked at right under, "Dance Style & Technique."

Your feedback would be greatly welcomed.

Balboa Park Dancers June Syllabus

I have just posted the syllabus for the month of June 2011, which is linked on the right under "Balboa Park Dancers Syllabus Documents."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Six Things Workshop-Pre Game Warm-up

I have just posted the syllabus for tomorrow's Workshop, "Six Things Every Ballroom Dancer Should Know," which is linked under Workshop Syllabus Documents at right. Please feel free to download and print a copy for your use

As you probably know by now, there is no class tonight. I am rather disappointed about it myself. However, I will be having my workshop. Since I know that many of you were planning to register at tonight's class, I have a deal for everyone who sees this message. Come tomorrow to the workshop, details of which can be found at this link, mention this blog posting, and I will give you the advanced registration price of $10.

WAIT!! It gets better. I am also hosting the "Ballroom Magic" dance party at Infinity. From 8PM to 10:30PM tomorrow you can dance to good music, participate in a mini class lesson, and enjoy some light refreshments. The advertised price is $10. However, if you come to the Workshop, you can come to the party for just $5. Try out the new stuff from the Workshop for half price.

When it comes to your weekend dancing fix, I have got you covered.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Party Announcement!!!

On Saturday, June 18, I will be hosting the "Ballroom Magic" party at Infinity Dance Center from 8PM-10:30PM. Come on out for a fun evening of dancing to great music. In addition, I will be teaching a short lesson for all to enjoy about mid way through the party, as well as having a mixer or two. Admission is $10 per person. Refreshments are included.

Between the workshop in the morning and the party in the evening, this will be a great way to spend your Saturday.

See you there.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Workshop Announcement!!

Put the following date on your calendar:

Saturday June 18, 2011

I will be teaching a workshop entitled, "Six Things That Every Ballroom Dancer Should Know." In it I will teach six different movements, mostly body lines but also some traveling moves as well, that are common to most Smooth dances. They can be grouped with familiar figures, and will greatly enhance your dancing. I will not only teach the figures themselves, but also show you how to incorporate them into your repertoire.

This is a workshop for EXPERIENCED dancers who are familiar and comfortable with Waltz, Tango, and Foxtrot. Most who have attended the Intermediate or Advanced Classes at Balboa Park or have a similar level of experience will enjoy the Workshop.

The Workshop will take place at:

Infinity Dance Center
4428 Convoy Street
San Diego 92111, just south of Balboa Avenue next door to Office Depot.

Admission is $12 per person or $10 if paid in advance. You can get the discount rate by registering at Infinity or any time you see me on or before Friday June 17, 2011.

Balboa Park Dancers May Syllabus

I have posted the May syllabus for your perusal. Please download and print for your use. If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Just scroll down and look for "Balboa Park Dancers Syllabus Documents" on the right.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Balboa Park Dancers April Syllabus

I have just posted the April syllabus, which you can download and print. Follow the link under "Balboa Park Dancers Syllabus Documents," on the right of this page.

Thank you for attending this past month.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

BLDC @ SDSU Semester Final

I have just posted the the last syllabus from the Beginning Class, Session 3, which you can download and print by following the link at right under "BLDC @ SDSU Syllabus Documents."

Thank you for your support, attendance, and enthusiasm this semester, as I have enjoyed myself very much.

Have a good summer, and I look forward to seeing you in the Fall.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cha Cha Workshop Syllabus

I have just posted the syllabus for the Cha Cha Workshop, which you can download and print by following this link. It is in a somewhat different format from previous workshops, and I would be very interested in your feedback.

I hope you enjoy the material taught.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Workshop Announcement!!

Mark your calendars! On Saturday April 16  at 11 AM I will be teaching a fast-paced two-hour workshop on Intermediate to Advanced Cha Cha. This is your chance to try out some challenging new material that is not normally taught in a weekly class as well as learn some steps that may be included in the near future.

The Workshop will be held at Infinity Dance Center, 4428 Convoy Street, San Diego, 92111. The cost is $12 per person at the door or $10 per person if registered and prepaid in advance. You can register at Infinity or any time you see me. You can also get the prepaid rate if you follow this link. Follow the directions in RED.

If you have any questions about the Workshop, contact me at 619-322-4670. I look forward to seeing you there.

Balboa Park Dancers March Syllabus

Last night was our final class for the month of March, and I have posted the syllabus for the month, which is posted for your downloading convenience under the Balboa Park Dancers Syllabus Documents list at right. Thank you for attending this month.

This Friday we begin Quickstep and Rumba. See you there.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

BLDC @ SDSU Session 2 Syllabus

I have just posted the Session 2 syllabus for the Intermediate class, which is linked at right under BLDC @ SDSU. Feel free to download and print it for your use.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Balboa Park Dancers February Syllabus

I have just posted the syllabus for the month of February, linked in the Documents list at right. Considering how abbreviated this month was, we actually covered quite a bit of material. I hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Some of you have been having trouble making printed copies of the syllabi. Try this:

  1. Click on the link to download the document. It will take you to a Google Docs page.
  2. On the upper left portion of the page, underneath "Google Docs," select "File."
  3. There are two options for printing. One is "Print (PDF)" which seems like the obvious choice, and will likely work. Try that. If it works, you are done. If it does not work, read on
  4. The other option is "File >Download Original," which will open it as a .pdf file. Depending on your system, one of several things will take place:
    1. It will kick start Adobe Acrobat and open the document in your browser, which you can then print.
    2. A dialog box asking permission to download a file may appear, Select "Yes" or "OK" or whatever is the affirmative choice. This will likely open it once it is downloaded.
    3. If you use a Mac, it may give you the option of opening it in Acrobat or Preview (Apple's default .pdf program). Either one works fine.
I hope that this was helpful, but if you are still having difficulty, contact me. This weekend we begin a new series of dances, Foxtrot and Salsa.
See you there.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

BLDC @ SDSU Session 1 Syllabus

I have posted the syllabi for the Beginning and Intermediate classes, linked under BLDC @ SDSU Syllabus Documents at right. Feel free to download and print it for your use.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bolero Workshop Syllabus

I have just posted the syllabus for tomorrow's Bolero Workshop, which you can download from the "Workshop Syllabus Documents" list at right. If you wish to print it, follow these instructions:
  • After following the link, select "File" just above the document.
  • Select either "Download Original" or "Print (PDF)." Either way, it will ask to save or open it as a .pdf file.
  • Once it is downloaded to your computer, you will be able to print it.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February Syllabus-Week 1

For those of you who attended class instead of watching the Super Bowl, here is a list of the steps we covered:


Twist Turn from Promenade (SQQ SQQ)  [DW/DC]
  • Open Right Turn from PP
  • Man: RF Twist Turn; Lady: Walk around Man in RSd, end PP
Rondé & Swivels (SQQS QQ SS QQS) [DC/DC]
  • Closed Promenade to Rondé
  • Fallaway Walk
  • Lady’s Outside Swivels
  • Tango Close 

Cha Cha

Knee Lift
  • 1/2 Basic to  ROp Cross Over, end Facing
  • Fwd Lock Step in LOp (2&3)
  • Passé in 2H, Man: LF, Lady: RF ([4] 1)
  • Cross Over in LOp, end Facing
  • Fwd Lock Step in ROp (2&3)
  • Passé in 2H, Man: RF, Lady: LF ([4] 1)
  • Cross Over in ROp, end Facing
  • Natural UA Turn, 5th Position Break

  • Walk through from PP to ROp moving backwards (Aida)
  • Side Break in 2H
  • Cha Cha Fwd to Apart Inside Spiral Turn; Man turns L, Lady turns R
  • Chassé to Cross Over in ROp

See you next Sunday

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Balboa Park Dancers January Syllabus

I have posted the January syllabus in the Balboa Park Dancers Syllabus Documents list at right which you may download and print for your convenience. One more class tomorrow, and then we start a new month.

See you there.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Workshop Announcement!!

February is the most romantic month of the year, and in keeping with times, I will be teaching a Workshop on arguably the most romantic of all dances, Bolero, at Infinity Dancesport Center on Saturday February 12, 2011, 11AM to 1PM. This will be an Intermediate to Advanced level, so attendees must be experienced dancers. Admission to the class is $10 per person if paid in advance, or $12 at the door on the day of the Workshop. You can register with me whenever you see me or at Infinity. You can also register with Infinity using a credit card. If you have any questions, please leave me a message below, send me an email message at, or call me at 619-322-4670.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tango Workshop-Post Game Wrap-Up

Today we had an excellent turnout for the Tango Workshop. To those of you who attended, thank you for your support. We covered most of the material that I planned for today except for Section 1, step 4, the Roll Lunge & Contra Walks, which I will cover another time.

As I am sure you would agree, most of the material was challenging, to say the least, but I can say with some certainty that most of you managed to get through everything. However, if you are having some trouble and would like some coaching, schedule a private lesson with me either alone or with a partner.

Thank you for attending today.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tango Workshop Syllabus

I have just posted the syllabus for my upcoming Tango Workshop, which you can download from the "Workshop Syllabus Documents" list at right. If you wish to print it, follow these instructions:
  • After following the link, select "File" just above the document.
  • Select either "Download Original" or "Print (PDF)." Either way, it will ask to save or open it as a .pdf file.
  • Once it is downloaded to your computer, you will be able to print it.

I look forward to seeing you there.