Monday, March 28, 2011

Workshop Announcement!!

Mark your calendars! On Saturday April 16  at 11 AM I will be teaching a fast-paced two-hour workshop on Intermediate to Advanced Cha Cha. This is your chance to try out some challenging new material that is not normally taught in a weekly class as well as learn some steps that may be included in the near future.

The Workshop will be held at Infinity Dance Center, 4428 Convoy Street, San Diego, 92111. The cost is $12 per person at the door or $10 per person if registered and prepaid in advance. You can register at Infinity or any time you see me. You can also get the prepaid rate if you follow this link. Follow the directions in RED.

If you have any questions about the Workshop, contact me at 619-322-4670. I look forward to seeing you there.


  1. is it American or International style?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your dance workshop is always fun and entertaining....above all, a very good learning experience. See you on Saturday.
